Why should my children play chess?
Chess raises your children’s IQ
Smart people play chess. Chess is, definitely, the game which will raise your kid’s IQ and it’s not a surprise.
It increases children’s problem-solving skills
In our quick developing world, every day we face numerous problems and obstacles in every step of our life. Chess is like our life, because it is a good problem solving exercise since creating problems on your territory is the goal of your opponent and solving/destroying them is yours.
It improves the memory of your child
Because while playing chess, you need to remember your opponent's move, remember which positions can help him/her in that situation. Most of the openings, tips and tricks are enough to improve your memory.
It increases the creativity of your kid
when children play chess they use their both sides of the brain. So, when your kid learns the rules and technique also during playing chess, the brain will be challenged to exercise logic, develop pattern recognition, make decisions both visually and analytically.
Rebecca Chess Club (RCC)is led by world champions
We are proud to provide professional chess training at all levels
We are proud to provide professional chess training at all levels
Our Dedicated Coaching Team
Full Class Record
Weekly game review
We are PROUD of our students
Our class Structure and Talent Development Plan
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