Rebecca Chess Club Weekly Quad
Non-RCC participant Registration Fee: $10
Friday nights at 6:45PM at: Houston Dragon Academy , 8915 Timberside Dr, Houston, TX, 77025
3 Rounds of G25 d/5 (25 minutes each with 5 second delay).
USCF Rated: All games will be dual rated by USCF, so all players must have an active USCF membership to play. Scholastic players can join or renew their membership at a discounted rate at Non-scholastic players can join or renew their membership at To check to see your rating or verify that you are up to date visit,com_wrapper/Itemid,181/.
Players whose registration is mot up to date by the tournament start time will need to pay a $20 fee (Charged by USChess) to the Tournament Director, which will cover a temporary 2 month registration and will avoid not be able to rate the tournament.
Quads Tournament Format: Also known as Round Robin, players are placed into group of 4 players based on their USCF Rating. As stated above there are 3 rounds in the tournament with each player playing against each other once. Each player is guaranteed to play as white or black at least once. If there is an uneven amount of players, then the bottom section will turn into a Swiss paired 3 round section of 5 to 7 players.
Due to the tournament occurring weekly, we will use current USCF ratings (rating as of most recent tournament ) rather than Supplemental Ratings. "playing Up" to higher sections will not be allowed.
Chess sets will be provided, but players should bring their own chess clocks.
Pre-registration: All players are encouraged to pre-register on the RCC website at Fees for pre-registering are Current RCC kids: $5 (special rate for promotion, then $10) and non-RCC players: $10.
Please note: Pre-registered RCC kids without showing up will lose free registration privilege for future events.
On-site registration: We will allow on-site registration as long as the maximum capacity has not been reached. Fees for on-site registration are Current RCC kids: $5 (special rate for promotion, then $15) and non-RCC players: $15.
Capacity: Rebecca Chess Club Quads will be limited to 30 Players. Preference will be given to players that pre-registered if the capacity is reached.
Prizes: Gold medal or trophy for first place in each section. We will have a medal/prize ceremony immediately after the completion of the last round of each section.
Eligibility: Rebecca Chess Club Quads are open to chess players of any age. Quads are great for beginner and advanced players because you will play players within narrow rating sections. Also, in the quads sections, once both games are complete, the pairings are known ahead of time, so you can continue immediately, which speeds up the tournament length in most cases.
Goal: Even though there are prizes involved, our goal is to provide an opportunity for chess players to play against similar level players in a safe, fun, and quiet environment.
Notation: All players are encouraged to notate their games. Please bring scoresheets to write down your moves. Exceptions to this rule may be approved by the Tournament Director on a case by case basis. Score books will be available for purchase.
Results: Once the tournament is completed, the cross table of results will be submitted to USCF. RCC will also keep an internal record of the results on the RCC website.
Questions: For any questions about the chess format please e-mail Tournament Director Doug Goldberg at [email protected].
1) We are not in the Houston Area, Where can I find OTB tournament?
Please try the website below:
Houston Local Tournament:
2) I don't understand the OTB abbreviations.
Please visit this website for details:
The texts below are from "". We don't have any copyright or legal liability to the content.
40/100, SD/30 d10: Time limit per player is 40 moves in the first 100 minutes, then the rest of the game in 30 minutes, with a 10 second delay on each move of the whole game.
40/2, SD/30 d10: Time limit per player is 40 moves in the first two hours, then the rest of the game in 30 minutes, with a 10 second delay on each move of the whole game.
G/100+30: Time limit is 100 minutes per player plus a 30 second increment on each move of the whole game.
40/90, SD/30+30: Time limit per player is 40 moves in the first 90 minutes, then the rest of the game in 30 minutes, with a 30 second increment on each move of the whole game.
$$G: Guaranteed prizes.
b/ or $$b/: Based-on prizes; number of entries needed to pay full prize fund follows. USCF rules specify that at least 50% of the advertised prize fund must be guaranteed if over $500 is advertised. Some CCA tournaments have guaranteed prizes while others use the based-on method; those using the latter usually guarantee more than the required 50% (see announcement of each tournament for the exact guarantee).
Blitz: Five-minute chess (G/5), played with no delay in CCA events. This is now rated by USCF under a Blitz rating system for G/5 to G/10, counting minutes per player plus seconds of delay (so G/3, d2 is also blitz, but G/8, d3 = 11 and is quick). We also hold the annual World Open Game/7 Championship, which at G/7, d2 is considered Blitz. For CCA Blitz tournaments, the higher of the regular or blitz rating is used for pairings and prizes.
BYE: Indicates which rounds players who find it inconvenient to play may take half point byes (draws without play) instead. For example, BYE: 1 indicates the bye is available in round 1. Most CCA tournaments allow byes in all rounds, but those in the latter part of the tournament must be committed to early (see details of each event).
CC: Chess club.
d10: 10 seconds delay. After your opponent hits the clock, 10 seconds elapse before your side starts running.
+30: 30 seconds increment. After your opponent hits the clock, you get 30 seconds more and your side starts running immediately.
EF: Entry fee.
Ent: Where to enter.
FIDE: Section results submitted to FIDE for rating.
G/: Game in. For instance, G/75 means each player has 75 minutes for the entire game.
GPP: Grand Prix Points. The USCF Grand Prix is a year long contest, primarily for Masters.
HR: Hotel rates. For example, 90-95-100-105 means $90 single, $95 single, $100 3 in room, $105 4 in room. The 3 and 4 to a room rates usually include only two beds.
JGP: Junior Grand Prix. A year long contest for players under 21. Includes all ages events, but not fast time control events (G/60 d10 qualifies, but not G/60 d5 or G/55 d10). Availability of JGP points does not mean the tournament is only for juniors.
Memb req: Membership required; cost follows. May refer to state affiliate. All our tournaments require USCF membership/
Norms: Results needed to qualify for the FIDE titles of International Master or International Grandmaster. Only tournaments of at least nine rounds can offer norms, and even with this many rounds, the tournament must also have sufficient foreign, titled, and FIDE rated players for a player to have a chance for a norm.
NS: No smoking. Standard at all CCA tournaments, so not listed.
Open Section: A section open to all. Often has very strong players, but some who are eligible for lower sections choose to play for the learning experience. Many tournaments have a restricted section instead such as Major (limited to 1800/up) or Premier (limited to 1900/up or other requirement).
Play up: To play in a higher section than necessary. For instance, a player rated 1700 who enters the Under 2000 Section (or Under 2200 Section or Open Section) when an Under 1800 Section is offered is "playing up."
QC: Quick Chess (Game/11 to Game/29). Minutes per player plus seconds of delay are used to determine rating system, so G/10, d2 equals 12 and is quick, not blitz. USCF rates these events with a separate Quick rating system. For CCA Quick rated events, we use the higher of the regular or quick rating.
Quad: 4-player round robin sections with similar strength players.
Rds: Rounds; scheduled game starting times follow. For example, rds Sat 11, 2, & 5, Sun 10 & 3:30 means rounds begin Saturday at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm, Sunday at 10 am and 3:30 pm.
Reg: Late registration at site (not necessary at CCA tournaments if you have entered in advance; we have no "check-in").
RR: Round robin (preceded by number of rounds).
SD/: Sudden death time control (time for rest of game follows). For example, 40/2, SD/30 means each player has 2 hours for the first 40 moves, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game.
Section: A division of a tournament, usually excluding players above a specified rating. Players in a section face only each other, not those in other sections.
SS: Swiss System pairings (preceded by number of rounds).
U: Under. For example, U1200 means Under 1200.
Unr: Unrated. Note that players with foreign ratings or categories are not unrated, and provisionally rated players are not unrated. Also, you never lose your rating, so if you were rated 40 years ago, you are not unrated. And if you have an unofficial rating at based on at least 4 games, we will usually consider you to be rated.
3 Rounds of G25 d/5 (25 minutes each with 5 second delay).
USCF Rated: All games will be dual rated by USCF, so all players must have an active USCF membership to play. Scholastic players can join or renew their membership at a discounted rate at Non-scholastic players can join or renew their membership at To check to see your rating or verify that you are up to date visit,com_wrapper/Itemid,181/.
Players whose registration is mot up to date by the tournament start time will need to pay a $20 fee (Charged by USChess) to the Tournament Director, which will cover a temporary 2 month registration and will avoid not be able to rate the tournament.
Quads Tournament Format: Also known as Round Robin, players are placed into group of 4 players based on their USCF Rating. As stated above there are 3 rounds in the tournament with each player playing against each other once. Each player is guaranteed to play as white or black at least once. If there is an uneven amount of players, then the bottom section will turn into a Swiss paired 3 round section of 5 to 7 players.
Due to the tournament occurring weekly, we will use current USCF ratings (rating as of most recent tournament ) rather than Supplemental Ratings. "playing Up" to higher sections will not be allowed.
Chess sets will be provided, but players should bring their own chess clocks.
Pre-registration: All players are encouraged to pre-register on the RCC website at Fees for pre-registering are Current RCC kids: $5 (special rate for promotion, then $10) and non-RCC players: $10.
Please note: Pre-registered RCC kids without showing up will lose free registration privilege for future events.
On-site registration: We will allow on-site registration as long as the maximum capacity has not been reached. Fees for on-site registration are Current RCC kids: $5 (special rate for promotion, then $15) and non-RCC players: $15.
Capacity: Rebecca Chess Club Quads will be limited to 30 Players. Preference will be given to players that pre-registered if the capacity is reached.
Prizes: Gold medal or trophy for first place in each section. We will have a medal/prize ceremony immediately after the completion of the last round of each section.
Eligibility: Rebecca Chess Club Quads are open to chess players of any age. Quads are great for beginner and advanced players because you will play players within narrow rating sections. Also, in the quads sections, once both games are complete, the pairings are known ahead of time, so you can continue immediately, which speeds up the tournament length in most cases.
Goal: Even though there are prizes involved, our goal is to provide an opportunity for chess players to play against similar level players in a safe, fun, and quiet environment.
Notation: All players are encouraged to notate their games. Please bring scoresheets to write down your moves. Exceptions to this rule may be approved by the Tournament Director on a case by case basis. Score books will be available for purchase.
Results: Once the tournament is completed, the cross table of results will be submitted to USCF. RCC will also keep an internal record of the results on the RCC website.
Questions: For any questions about the chess format please e-mail Tournament Director Doug Goldberg at [email protected].
1) We are not in the Houston Area, Where can I find OTB tournament?
Please try the website below:
Houston Local Tournament:
2) I don't understand the OTB abbreviations.
Please visit this website for details:
The texts below are from "". We don't have any copyright or legal liability to the content.
40/100, SD/30 d10: Time limit per player is 40 moves in the first 100 minutes, then the rest of the game in 30 minutes, with a 10 second delay on each move of the whole game.
40/2, SD/30 d10: Time limit per player is 40 moves in the first two hours, then the rest of the game in 30 minutes, with a 10 second delay on each move of the whole game.
G/100+30: Time limit is 100 minutes per player plus a 30 second increment on each move of the whole game.
40/90, SD/30+30: Time limit per player is 40 moves in the first 90 minutes, then the rest of the game in 30 minutes, with a 30 second increment on each move of the whole game.
$$G: Guaranteed prizes.
b/ or $$b/: Based-on prizes; number of entries needed to pay full prize fund follows. USCF rules specify that at least 50% of the advertised prize fund must be guaranteed if over $500 is advertised. Some CCA tournaments have guaranteed prizes while others use the based-on method; those using the latter usually guarantee more than the required 50% (see announcement of each tournament for the exact guarantee).
Blitz: Five-minute chess (G/5), played with no delay in CCA events. This is now rated by USCF under a Blitz rating system for G/5 to G/10, counting minutes per player plus seconds of delay (so G/3, d2 is also blitz, but G/8, d3 = 11 and is quick). We also hold the annual World Open Game/7 Championship, which at G/7, d2 is considered Blitz. For CCA Blitz tournaments, the higher of the regular or blitz rating is used for pairings and prizes.
BYE: Indicates which rounds players who find it inconvenient to play may take half point byes (draws without play) instead. For example, BYE: 1 indicates the bye is available in round 1. Most CCA tournaments allow byes in all rounds, but those in the latter part of the tournament must be committed to early (see details of each event).
CC: Chess club.
d10: 10 seconds delay. After your opponent hits the clock, 10 seconds elapse before your side starts running.
+30: 30 seconds increment. After your opponent hits the clock, you get 30 seconds more and your side starts running immediately.
EF: Entry fee.
Ent: Where to enter.
FIDE: Section results submitted to FIDE for rating.
G/: Game in. For instance, G/75 means each player has 75 minutes for the entire game.
GPP: Grand Prix Points. The USCF Grand Prix is a year long contest, primarily for Masters.
HR: Hotel rates. For example, 90-95-100-105 means $90 single, $95 single, $100 3 in room, $105 4 in room. The 3 and 4 to a room rates usually include only two beds.
JGP: Junior Grand Prix. A year long contest for players under 21. Includes all ages events, but not fast time control events (G/60 d10 qualifies, but not G/60 d5 or G/55 d10). Availability of JGP points does not mean the tournament is only for juniors.
Memb req: Membership required; cost follows. May refer to state affiliate. All our tournaments require USCF membership/
Norms: Results needed to qualify for the FIDE titles of International Master or International Grandmaster. Only tournaments of at least nine rounds can offer norms, and even with this many rounds, the tournament must also have sufficient foreign, titled, and FIDE rated players for a player to have a chance for a norm.
NS: No smoking. Standard at all CCA tournaments, so not listed.
Open Section: A section open to all. Often has very strong players, but some who are eligible for lower sections choose to play for the learning experience. Many tournaments have a restricted section instead such as Major (limited to 1800/up) or Premier (limited to 1900/up or other requirement).
Play up: To play in a higher section than necessary. For instance, a player rated 1700 who enters the Under 2000 Section (or Under 2200 Section or Open Section) when an Under 1800 Section is offered is "playing up."
QC: Quick Chess (Game/11 to Game/29). Minutes per player plus seconds of delay are used to determine rating system, so G/10, d2 equals 12 and is quick, not blitz. USCF rates these events with a separate Quick rating system. For CCA Quick rated events, we use the higher of the regular or quick rating.
Quad: 4-player round robin sections with similar strength players.
Rds: Rounds; scheduled game starting times follow. For example, rds Sat 11, 2, & 5, Sun 10 & 3:30 means rounds begin Saturday at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm, Sunday at 10 am and 3:30 pm.
Reg: Late registration at site (not necessary at CCA tournaments if you have entered in advance; we have no "check-in").
RR: Round robin (preceded by number of rounds).
SD/: Sudden death time control (time for rest of game follows). For example, 40/2, SD/30 means each player has 2 hours for the first 40 moves, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game.
Section: A division of a tournament, usually excluding players above a specified rating. Players in a section face only each other, not those in other sections.
SS: Swiss System pairings (preceded by number of rounds).
U: Under. For example, U1200 means Under 1200.
Unr: Unrated. Note that players with foreign ratings or categories are not unrated, and provisionally rated players are not unrated. Also, you never lose your rating, so if you were rated 40 years ago, you are not unrated. And if you have an unofficial rating at based on at least 4 games, we will usually consider you to be rated.